
Friday, December 24, 2010

Welcoming War

Hello world,

First of all, Merry Christmas!  Hope everyone has a good one.

This is my first venture into the world of blogging, and it is a bit of an experiment for me.  While I've never done anything quite like blogging before, that's not the point.  What I'm going to try to do is see how many people I can get to read my blog without actually telling anyone about it.  Why would I do this, you ask?  It seems a bit counter-productive.  After all, what's the point of writing something no one but myself will likely see?  I guess I'm just bored and curious.  I wonder if it is possible at all for anyone to find this if no one knows it exists.  In a way, I feel like I'm testing the power of the Internet.  Nobody's can become world famous overnight because of the internet.  So who knows, only time will tell.  I'm creating something out of nothing.

On the off-chance someone is reading this, I will tell you what I plan to blog about, at least for the next week or so.  I will be posting a few "best-of-the year" lists for movies, music, etc.  Especially music.  I love music.  Like a lot.  So yeah, be expecting some of that soon.  FYI, my best-music-of-the-year list will be delayed slightly due to the release of the new Gorillaz album (it came out like 3 hours ago).  I'm excited but I'll give it a few days so I don't place it at #1 just cus I get too excited.

That's all for now, everyone enjoy their holidays,
-The Wolf

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